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Constitution of the Q.I.S PTA


ARTICLE 1 : Name of the forum shall be the ‘PARENT TEACHER ASSOCIATION’, abbreviation ‘PTA – QIS’, and herein referred to as THE PTA .The PTA shall be self – reliant , non-profit making , and non-governmental.

ARTICLE 2: Aims: The aims of the PTA shall be:

2.1 To act as bridge between the school and family to cater for the good moral as well as academic up-bringing of the child.

2.2 To foster unity of purpose and solidarity among the parents, Teachers as well as the children attending the school.

2.3 To associate the PTA in a harmonious manner in the day to day running of the school such as deemed necessary by the general assembly, and in consultation with the school management board, all hierarchy observed.

2.4 To follow up the education of the child in and out of school through educative talks and adapted social activities so as to reinforce the family relationship.

ARTICLE 3: Headquarters: The head quarter of the association shall be within the QIS Yaoundé premises.

ARTICLE 4: Duration: The duration of the association shall be unlimited.


ARTICLE 5: Membership shall be open to:

I) All parents of children attending the QIS Yaoundé;

II) All the staff of QIS Yaoundé;

III) All members of the management board.

ARTICLE 6: Membership shall be confirmed by parents through payment of the stipulated amount of money, as agree upon at the general assembly meeting, to cater for the child quality education in school.

ARTICLE 7: Membership shall be conserved in the case where a member is transferred but the child still attends the QIS Yaoundé.


Article 8: The organization of QIS Yaoundé PTA shall be as follows

a) The General Assembly

b) The Executive Bureau

c) The members

ARTICLE 9: (a) All members as of article 5, 6, and 7 above shall make up the General Assembly of QIS Yaoundé PTA.

(b) All the members shall see into the good function of PTA.

Article 10: The General Assembly shall be the authority of the QIS Yaoundé PTA

Article 11: Role of the General Assembly

(1) The general Assembly shall adopt and amend the constitution as well as the Internal Rules and Regulations of the Association;

(2) Define and orientate the general policy of the Association;

(3) Adopt its agenda on the proposal of the Executive Bureau;

(4) Examine the progress report presented by the PTA President on behalf of the Executive Bureau, the Financial Secretary’s statement of accounts, and the audit reports

(5) Approve the accounts for the school year;

(6) Adopt the draft project for the current school year;

(7) Elect members of the Executive Bureau and the various committees;

(8) Determine the rate of annual dues on proposal of the Executive Bureau;

(9) Set up committees with defined functions and duration. The committees shall be responsible to the General Assembly who shall appoint members to these committees.

Article 12: The Executive Bureau;

The Executive Bureau shall be constituted by the following officials who shall plan, propose, mobilize resources, execute and evaluate the QIS Yaoundé PTA projects as well as oversee the running of its day –to –day affairs. The Executive Bureau shall be made up of Elected Members and permanent Members.

Article 13

(1) The Elected Members are:

-The President

-1(one) Vice President

(2) Treasurers

- 2 (two) Auditors

(3) The permanent Members are:

-The Head Teacher

-2 (two) Teachers of the school.

(4) The Executive Bureau, once elected, shall be responsible or answerable to the General Assembly of the QIS Yaoundé PTA. Each executive Bureau member shall be upright, honest, conscientious and dedicated to QIS.

Article 14: The President shall:

(a) Convene and preside all meeting, and see to their smooth running;
(b) Present the budget prepared by the executive bureau;
(c) Authorize the expenditure of the Association;
(d) Present written progress report of all the activities of PTA to the General Assembly during any meeting;
(e) Be assisted in his duties by vice president general in his absence, and who shall deputies for him
(f) Countersign the checks of the Association.

Article 15: the vice principal shall

(a) Assist the president in all functions;
(b) Be assigned with specific functions by the General Assembly,
(c) Preside over meetings in the absence of the President – General;
(d) Represent the President on any occasion or activity as may be directed by the General Assembly

Article16: the secretary shall

(a) Run the secretariat of the Assembly
(b) Record and present the proceeding of all PTA meetings;
(c) Prepare an annual report of the PTA activities;
(d) Draw up the agenda of all Executive and general meeting of PTA, in consultation with the president;
(e) Keep all document of the association
(f) May be assigned any other function by the General Assembly.

Article 17: The Treasurer shall:

(a) Be the custodian of all QIS Yaoundé PTA funds and shall keep such account up to date;
(b) Receive all contribution for and on behalf of PTA and issue receipt;
(c) Carry out expenditures in accordance with procedure laid down by the internal ruls and regulation of the association;
(d) Counter sign the checks of the Association.
(e) Make money available whenever need arises for expenditures

Article 18: The financial Secretary shall:

(a) Keep record of all finance in accordance with the procedure laid down by the internal rules and regulations of the association
(b) Make financial records available to auditors
(c) Present a financial report to the general assembly
(d) Prepare and present an annual financial report each year at a general assembly

Article 19: The auditors shall:

(a) Have access at any time to the accounts and financial records of the association
(b) Prepare and present and audit report to the general assembly of the association

Article 20:The head Teacher and two teachers and the coordinator of QIS are permanent members as referred to in Article 13/2 above and is not elected by the General Assembly


Article 21: The resources shall include financial and material assistance, and shall constitute the proceedings of the Association. The resources consist of:

(a) PTA dies and levies
(b) Subventions
(c) Gifts and legacies
(d) Other avenues as provided for by rules and regulations in force

Article 22: A bank account shall be opened and operated in the name of the QIS Yaounde PTA within the town of Yaounde

Article 23: Any withdrawal of funds from the account of the association must be approved by the general assembly based on a written request by the Executive Bureau


Article 24: The general assembly shall set up committees with defined functions and duration in addition to the executive bureau

Article 25: Ech committee formed shall be responsible to the general assembly which shall appoint members to these committees

Article 26: Each committee shall comprise not less than five(5) members and no PTA non executive member shll belong to more than one committee. Ad hoc committees shall be appointed by the G.A. when need arises

Article 27: Each committee shall comprise of a chairperson, a secretary and at least three (3) other members. Each committee shall study the problems in its area of competence and propose measures to the Executive Bureau in a meeting held for that purpose


Article 28: The General Assembly shall

(a) be convened by the President or by the General consensus of the Executive bureau;
(b) take place only within the QIS premises
(c)meet in ordinary session twice within the school year; at the beginning of the academic year and towards the end of the school year as determined by the Executive Bureau which shall duly inform members in writing at least 15 (fifteen) days in advance;
(d) meet in extraordinary session at the request of the Executive Bureau through the President, who shall call for such a meeting. Members shall be duly informed in writing at least seven (07) days prior to the date of the Assembly

Article 29: A general assembly shall constitute the highest organ of the PTA and decisions arrived at during such meetings shall be binding on all members of the association.

Article 30: The quorum for an assembly shall be 50% +1 of the total numbers of the QIS yaounde PTA

Article 31: The G.A. shall elect the executive bureau which shall meet between meetings and the general assembly


Article 32: Each Executive Bureau Member shall be elected for a mandate of two years from among its members, renewable once

Article 33: To be elected as an Executive Bureau Member, the Association member shall be from among those parents whose children currently attend QIS Yaounde at the start of the school year

Article 34: Any replacement so elected will only serve out the remaining term of office of the originally elected official

Article 35: The elections procedure shall be as follows:

(a) A returning officer shall be appointed by the Executive Bureau for this purpose, after declaring the outgoing Executive Bureau dissolved;
(b) A candidate for election shall be proposed by way of nomination, which must be seconded
(c) If only one candidate is nominated for a post, the person shall be considered voted by acclamation
(d)Actual voting shall be either by secret ballot or by simple show of hand and shall take place in the presence of the contestants Nobody may vote more than once for a particular office
(e) The candidate with a simple majority of votes cast shall be declared the winner;
(f)In case of a tie in actual incidence of voting officers, the Returning officer shall cast the deciding vote; the decision of the RO shall be final.
(g)Any vote cast by proxy shall be accepted
(h) The old and new Executive Bureau shall sign handing over notes including an inventory of the property of the association as well as the financial situation up to date in detail, in the presence of the returning officer

Article 36: Any officer or member of the executive bureau can resign his position provided that his letter of resignation is received and accepted by the executive bureau at least one month in advance. In each case the president shall inform the bureau members and/or G.A of his decision

Article 37: A resigning officer must hand over all the association property or document relating his/her office or duties assigned to him/her by the G.A. to the executive bureau within one calendar month from date of resignation

Article 38: In case of the president resigning, his/her resignation letter must reach the SG one month in advance who in turn will advise the vice president to call for an executive meeting to reject or accept the resignation

Article 39: All resigning officers shall cease to function in their offices on the date of acceptance of the resignation letters


Article 40: The amendment of pert or the whole present constitution shall be carried out only on the proposal of at least 75% of the executive bureau or on recommendation of at least 50% of the members of the association and in a general assembly


Article 41: PTA dues and levies

The rates of PTA dues/levies as well as deadlines for payment shall be determined at the start of each school year by the G.A. of the proposal of executive bureau

Article 42: External relations

The association may:
(a) Be affiliated to any educational organization with similar objectives
(b) Maintain friendly relations with national, regional and international terminology

Article 43: The financial year of the Association shall begin with the start of the school year and operate to the close of the school yer as determined by the Minister in Charge of National Education

Article 44: Internal rules and Regulations(IRR)

(1) The internal rules and regulations drawn up and approved by the G.A. shall lay down rules governing the functioning of the General Assembly, the Executive Bureau, the committees. (2) The IRR shall lay down the conditions under which the association may maintain relations with similar organizations as well as cover any other issues not provided for in the constitution.

Article 45: The decision to dissolve the association shall only be valid when taken by 75% majority of the members of the G.A. holding therein. In which case, the Minister in Charge of National Education shall be informed in writing of the decision to dissolve the Association.

Article 46: In case of dissolution, the G.A shall appoint a liquidation committee that shall dispose of the assets of the association under the supervision of the Minister of National Education.

Article 47: The proceeds generated therefore shall be handed over to the Administration of QIS Yaounde


Article 48: The present constitution shall be completed by the IRR annexed here to the running of the running of the "PARENTS TEACHERS' ASSOCIATION" of the Quality International School, Yaounde