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First Ever Twin Graduation at Quality International School - 15th July 2021

by: H. Takang Date: 2021-09-16 08:59:15.548466

Red. Pink. White and Black were the colors that marked the twin graduation ceremony for Form 5 and Upper Sixth this year at Quality International School. The air was rent with excitement as the students in their colorful attires, accompanied by parents and other loved ones trooped into the ceremonial grounds to take pictures and to admire each other’s outfit. The ceremony kicked-off at 10:30 am with an opening prayer from Mr Ayuk John, who thanked God for such and occasion and prayed that the outgoing high school students would ... Read more

Teachers’ day 2021 @ Quality International School - 5 October 2021

by: H. Takang Date: 2021-10-18 09:15:51.328636

The day started early with the teachers’ arrival on the school campus. Mr Bello, the sports teacher led them immediately into exercising. The teachers were excited as they did some light stretching exercises. The sports teacher then led the other staff to walk to the annexe campus where they did intensive exercises and stretching. After that, the staff returned to the main campus and played games of volleyball. The staff of the secondary section first played a match against the primary section teachers. The secondary section wo Read more

Forkou Joyce in U.S.A for TECHGIRLS exchange program

by: H. Takang Date: 2022-08-30 03:27:32.384363

TechGirls is a summer exchange program for girls aged 15-17 years old. It is an initiative of and is funded by the US Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs. It is administered by Legacy International. Its mission is to connect the next generation of young women leaders in STEM by providing them access and opportunities to advance their skills and pursue their dreams. This year 2022, TechGirls connected 136 young women from 35 countries/territories across the globe and from the US during a three ... Read more

Digital Transformation In Education

by: Mbinkar K.L. Date: 2022-10-11 02:25:01.860108

Education is undergoing massive changes as emerging technology reshapes and redefines the ways students are learning. While re-education is so prominent due to constantly evolving systems and processes, the reviewing of classrooms and how education is conducted could not have come at a better time. In this day and age of virtual learning, which has been thrust upon the world due to the pandemic, we need to think about what we want our classrooms to look like.

What is Digital Transformation in Education?
Di Read more

Water Safety and Hygiene (WASH) at Quality International School (QIS) Yaounde, Cameroon

by: Nges A. A. Date: 2022-10-11 05:30:09.740331

The consequences of unsafe water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) on children can be as negative as deadly. Over 700 children under age 5 die every day of diarrhoeal diseases such as cholera, due to a lack of appropriate WASH services. In areas of conflict, children are nearly 20 times more likely to die from diarrhoeal disease than from the conflict itself. According to the UNICEF WASH report for 2011, globally, approximately 67 million school-age children are not in school, 53% of the girls. Absenteeism and dropout rates are high ... Read more

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