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Teachers’ day 2021 @ Quality International School - 5 October 2021

Date:2021-10-18 09:15:51.328636 By H. Takang

The day started early with the teachers’ arrival on the school campus. Mr Bello, the sports teacher led them immediately into exercising. The teachers were excited as they did some light stretching exercises. The sports teacher then led the other staff to walk to the annexe campus where they did intensive exercises and stretching. After that, the staff returned to the main campus and played games of volleyball. The staff of the secondary section first played a match against the primary section teachers. The secondary section won the match with a score of 3:1. The next match was between the staff of the Nursery and the Primary staff. The Nursery staff won with a score of 2:0. During the matches, teachers who knew taught the teachers who did not know the rules of volleyball. The teachers had fun trying to get the ball over the net and make goals against the opposing team.

The volleyball matches were then followed by shooting balls into the basket. Each teacher was given a chance to shoot twice. Some scored others did not but it was so much fun as the sports teacher encouraged those who missed kept trying. The sporting activities were concluded by group photos of each section of the school with the manager and vice manager. After about thirty minutes of freshening, the teachers gathered in the multipurpose hall for a seminar. The seminar kicked off with an opening prayer and a moment of worship. The voices of the worship team and the rest of the staff were nothing less than angelic as they gave glory to God. The event then switched gears when the manager did a presentation to encourage the teachers to impact their environment despite what was happening. The manager made an illustration of carrots, eggs and coffee beans saying that the teacher should be like coffee beans that changed the water that it was boiled in and not like carrots or eggs that were changed by the water.

The manager’s presentation was immediately followed by a presentation on the CBA approach titled “the competency-based approach: why and how” by Mr Toulack. After that, there was another presentation by Mr Zikiru on Leadership. The worship team then came up with some soul-searching songs, which they sang for a good forty minutes. The worship time was succeeded by a presentation by Mr Mbinkar. He talked on the use of technology in education and distance education. After that, Mr Egbe gave a brief talk on the events that took place at the pedagogic seminar that took place at GBHS Etoug-ebe. The fifth speaker, Mr Nges discussed “Teaching to develop competencies and entrepreneurial skills”. After the presentations, there was a Q and A session, which lasted for a good forty-five minutes.

The teachers then split into smaller groups and discussed how to manage better the cleanliness of the school environment. After this, the worship team came on stage and glorified God with various songs and the other teachers worshipped along with them. The principal prayed for the food, which was a mouthwatering fufu corn and Njama Njama with Kati-Kati. Cold Folere accompanied the meal. It was a wonderful day of the teacher at QIS.