Aneibu Rockzine Mbanwei is the first of eight in a Christian family and hails from Momo division in the North West region of Cameroon.
She has a Bachelor of Science in Zoology from the University of Dschang and a Master of Science in Psychology from Biltmore University, Arizona, U.S.A.
She has additional training in:
 Management of NGOs in Cameroon - from Centro per la Salute del Bambino, Italy
 Health and Nutrition for Orphans and Vulnerable Children - from Centro per la Salute del Bambino, Italy
 Psychosocial Well-Being of Orphans and Vulnerable Children – from REPSSI, South Africa
 National Leadership Training Diploma - Hagaii Institute, Bamenda
 Broadcast Journalism – from CBS School of Broadcasting
 SAGE Global training on Turning Risk into Success
 GeED teacher’s training on preventing and responding to School-related gender-based violence
 Cameroon Business Blockchain council training on Building Entrepreneurial Ecosystems in Africa
 Thompson Bible International Institute training on Thompson Bible Usage
Rockzine is an excellent, skillful and highly motivated administrator at her core. In 2001 - 2003, she was the administrative agent of International Women Aglow.
In 2004, she was National Training coordinator at Caleb International, Nigeria.
In 2005 and 2006, she worked as socio-cultural staff of International Children’s Centre, Cameroon.
She then worked as the coordinator for Africa for the Philip Fongod Foundation in the years 2005 to 2010.
During that time, she was also serving as the cultural attaché at the Jonathan’s House, Cameroon.
She found the time to start an organization called Friends for Africa that was in three African countries - Cameroon, Zimbabwe and Mozambique.
She also created the African Women Empowered Common Initiative Group
She is the founder of Joedans Africa
In 2007, she became the project ambassador for the Arabian Nite Entertainment Industry.
She has functioned as the administrator of Divine Liberation Group and EM Cameroon from 2009 to 2012
She has a soft spot for kids. In the years 2011 - 2012, she was the administrator of the HOTPEC orphanage in Buea where she looked out for the needs of over 130 orphans.
Rockzine never limits herself to one sphere of know-how. She has worked as a journalist with Abakwa Cable News TV and CGR Foundation radio.
She worked with AREM as the sub-director in charge of youths.
She worked as an administrator at Argan Beauty Foundation, Qatar
She has been a hostess to the governor of the Northwest region and the Chief protocol officer during the U.S. Ambassador’s visit to the North West region.
In her spare time, she is a Seminar facilitator on a family forum, Association for the Revitalization of Morals, she is a member of the Cameroon National Referral Network of service providers for survivors and those at risk of gender-based violence
Ma Rock, as those close to her fondly call her, is an ordained Minister of the gospel nationally and internationally, Church administrator of Faith Alive Ministries International, guidance counsellor and so much more that time will not permit me to enumerate. She is a member of many organizations including:  United Nations Entity for Gender Equality and the Empowerment of Women  Dike Na Mba Cultural artistic group Here at Q.I.S she has been the principal of the Secondary section from 2014 to 2021 where she managed school activities internally and externally, mentored students and rendered psychosocial support and care.